About Us » About Us

About Us

PS5 I'm Still Learning
P.S.5 is a culturally responsive learning community where all of its members are held to high expectations while working towards achieving their best selves that will lead them to be lifelong learners.
P.S.5 will achieve its vision by:
  • focusing on student performance and progress while making learning joyful.
  • strengthening the quality of teaching practices for rigorous research-based learning (NGLS, Advanced Literacies & Danielson).
  • widening partnerships between school staff, students, home and members of the broader community (Arts and STEM).
  • improving our community's health through offering opportunities within the three pillars of wellness: health education, mental wellness and physical activity.
Instructional Focus - Formative Assessment
We will provide students with actionable feedback on their progress toward meeting Next Generation Priority Standards through the use of frequent formative assessment so students are clear of their next steps and have multiple opportunities for success.
  • Rigorous activities with explicit success criteria
  • Appropriate scaffolds for MLs and SWDs
  • Flexible, small group instruction to integrate prerequisite skills in addition to learning gaps or learning loss including embedding technology in interventions
  • Developing our students as digital citizens